7 Deadly Sins CD Release Party at the Rivoli

In February 2003, we had a party for all our Toronto friends to celebrate the release of the third album "7 Deadly Sins." We took over the Rivoli (one of our more favorite rooms in Toronto with a packed house and a bunch of sweet-faced girls dressed in nun's costumes to take tickets (in keeping with the deadly sins theme!) Folk/pop songwriter Mary Simon opened up the night for us before we launched ourselves into a sweaty set of tunes supported by Mark Abraham on bass, Robin Pirsin on drums, and Tony Lind on electric guitar. There were also special guest appearances by Ben Bowen on trumpet and Mary Simon and Ember Swift on Backup vocals! After a wonderful night of music, Miranda and band prepared to pack up the van and found it had been � towed. Thank you Toronto!!! (Photos courtesy of Dave Ruch)

Please be reminded that these photographs are copyrighted images. That means that you need to get permission by the artist to use them.
Here's Ben, Miranda and Ember during sound check.
Miranda and Tony on stage.
Another shot of Miranda.
Robin, Mark and Miranda.
Ben Bowen playing his beautiful trumpet solo for "Beautiful Disaster."
Can she do ONE show without showing off her hairy pits?

Copyright © Earthdress Productions. All Rights Reserved.

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